Heroes of Mariah - Charmbracelet promo page

This page will be updated from time to time, so, check back regularly.
Cette page sera mise à jour au fur et à mesure, donc, consultez-la régulièrement.
Deze pagina zal al naar gelang de omstandigheden aangepast worden, dus, raadpleeg ze regelmatig.
Thanks to Universal Belgium for the material and infos they kindly give us.

Charmbracelet in Belgium:

Charmbracelet release date:
In stores now.

TV commercial:
Dutch speaking part:
VTM (from December the 2nd to December the 12th.)
French speaking part:
TF1 (French TV channel) (from December the 2nd to ???)

Radio commercial:
French speaking part:
Bel RTL (from December the 9th to December the 13th.)

Contests in magazines:
French speaking part:
Several popular magazines like: 7extra, Flair.  Stay tuned to see the prizes in these magazines.
Dutch speaking part:
Several popular magazines like: Joepie, P Magazine.  Stay tuned to see the prizes in these magazines.

Charmbracelet in the Official Belgian sales charts:
Official Belgian sales chart on February the 7th.
Ultratop 50 Albums
For the French speaking part: Mariah Carey - Charmbracelet - Out of the chart (last week: 48)
For the Dutch speaking part: Not in the chart.
Official Belgian sales chart on January the 31st.
Ultratop 50 Albums
For the French speaking part: Mariah Carey - Charmbracelet - 48 (last week: 39)
For the Dutch speaking part: Not in the chart.
Official Belgian sales chart on January the 24th.
Ultratop 50 Albums
For the French speaking part: Mariah Carey - Charmbracelet - 39 (last week: 40)
For the Dutch speaking part: Not in the chart.
Official Belgian sales chart on January the 17th.
Ultratop 50 Albums
For the French speaking part: Mariah Carey - Charmbracelet - 40 (last week: 36)
For the Dutch speaking part: Not in the chart.
Official Belgian sales chart on January the 10th.
Ultratop 50 Albums
For the French speaking part: Mariah Carey - Charmbracelet - 36 (last week: 31)
For the Dutch speaking part: Not in the chart.
Official Belgian sales chart on January the 3rd.
Ultratop 50 Albums
For the French speaking part: Mariah Carey - Charmbracelet - 31 (last week: 30)
For the Dutch speaking part: Not in the chart.
Official Belgian sales chart on December the 27th.
Ultratop 50 Albums
For the French speaking part: Mariah Carey - Charmbracelet - 30 (last week: 28)
For the Dutch speaking part: Out of the chart (last week: 48)
Official Belgian sales chart on December the 20th.
Ultratop 50 Albums
For the French speaking part: Mariah Carey - Charmbracelet - 28 (entry)
For the Dutch speaking part: Mariah Carey - Charmbracelet - 48 (entry)

Heroes of Mariah Street Team action:
Done on December the 7th in Brussels.

Special contest:

Copyrights and all rights are reserved to the owner of the rights.
This site is absolutly and totally against all Mariah rumors of all kind and most of all I will not tolerate any kind of fantasy.

Site owner : Gilles Ollevier
Heroes of Mariah 2000
E-mail : staff@heroesofmariah.com