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This week in FMQB History
Classic Mariah Carey from the early ‘90s with then husband/Sony Music President Tommy Mottola (center) and a hot up and coming producer Jermaine Dupri. Source: FMQB (All rights reserved) Posted on June the 30th. |
The Teen Choice Awards FIRST WAVE of nominees were announced and Mariah received nominations in the following categories: Choice Music: Female Artist Choice Music: R&B Artist You can start voting for Mariah now at TeenPeople.com/teenchoice . These nominations will be narrowed down, so be sure to come back to TeenPeople.com/teenchoice to start voting for the second wave of categories on July 6 and third wave on July 27. Voting ends on August 11. The Teen Choice Awards show airs live on Fox on August 20 at 8pm ET/PT. Cast your vote for Mimi NOW!!! Source: MariahCarey.com Posted on June the 30th. |
Sales Double For Jacob The Jeweler's Sneaker
After successful spring debut, sales orders have doubled for Jacob the Jeweler’s Fall 2006 J & Co. Sneaker Collection. Jacob The Jeweler, long time provider of customized jewels to the Hip-Hop community, launched the J & Co. Sneaker Collection in June 2005 with partner SneakerLuxe, LLC with executive Kedar Massenburg and fashion entrepreneur, Brian Krauss. The collection is available in six styles consisting of three looks and retail between $125-$150. The sneakers are also highlighted by full grain leather, metallic stitching detail and the original J & Co. time zone watch logo. Jacob the Jeweler's signature shoes have been featured in numerous magazines and such celebrities as David Beckham, Mary J Blige, Tyrese, Mariah Carey and Jamie Foxx have worn the shoes. Source: AllHipHop (All rights reserved) (extract) Posted on June the 30th. |
![]() I found another tour operator selling packages for the Tunis concerts in the same hotel as the one I posted this morning. Except with this one, if you want to attend the 2 concerts, you need to book 2 weeks ![]() I want to say that everything is really badly organised for the non-North African fans, 'cause all the North African countries were able to buy tickets with an electronic payment system (not available to Europeans), result, the tickets at 120 Euros are apparently sold out and the sale of the other tickets is apparently doing great (which in a sense is good news), as a lot of people from the Magreb countries will the attend the concerts. From now on, I'll follow this with less involvement, I read enough unpleasant stuffs about Mariah on a lot of North African forums and press websites. Like my grandma would say: "They always give nuts to eat to those who have no teeth" (to meditate). Posted on June the 30th. |
Fan Français: un autre voyagiste proposant
des packages
A peu près les mêmes conditions que celui que j'ai trouvé ce matin et dans le même complexe hotelier. A part que pour celui-ci si vous voulez assister aux 2 concerts, vous êtes obligés de réserver 2 semaines, vu que le premier départ est le 16 juillet avec retour le 23 juillet et la 2éme semaine débute le 23 juillet avec retour le 30 juillet, comme vous voyez, c'est de mieux en mieux ![]() A tout hasard je vous met le lien ici. Je vais quand même dire que tout a été très mal organisé pour les fans non Nord Africains, car tous les pays d'Afrique du Nord ont eu l'opportunité d'acheter leurs tickets par des moyens avec paiement électronique auxquels les Européens n'avaient pas accès, résultat, les places à 120 Euros sont apparemment sold out et la vente des autres tickets marche apparemment très bien (qui dans un sens est une bonne nouvelle), vu que de nombreuses personnes des pays du Magreb vont se rendre à cet événement. A partir de maintenant, je suivrai cette actualité avec moins d'implication, j'ai lu assez de choses désagréables sur Mariah sur plein de forums et de sites de presse d'Afrique du Nord, pour que je ne m'y attarde plus. Comme dirait ma Mamy: "On donne toujours des noix à croquer à ceux qui n'ont pas de dents" (à méditer). Posted on June the 30th. |
Tunis concert tickets at 200 DT (120 Euro)
According to "Salakta": It seems the tickets at 200 DT (120 Euro) were sold out in 2 days. Posted on June the 30th. |
I made a lil' summary and translation of
the article below
Concert of exception Mariah Carey will start a big Tour by concerts at the El Menzah. It will be a very important mediatic event. It's why her producers and staff have a look at every little detail, even the conditions of the stay for the star and people who will stay with her, musicians, technicians, doctor, physiotherapist, make up artists, hairdresser... Huge fees It must be said that the Tunisian promotors, supported by the French intermediary company, made their best and the US part is pleased. In addition to all the costs, there's a special company from France in charge of the sounds and lightning materials. The sale of the tickets can't cover all the costs, so, it's why the Tourism Office counts on numerous European fans and fans from the entire North Africa to boost the tourism economy of the country. Source in French: S. Grichi pour La Presse de Tunisie Posted on June the 30th. |
Concert d’exception
Mariah Carey — c’est d’elle qu’il s’agit — qui n’a pas donné de concert depuis quelques années, ce qui ne l’empêche pas de trôner sur le box office, entamera cet été, pour marquer son retour au top, une grande tournée dont le Stade olympique d’El Menzah marquera le départ. D’où l’importance, surtout médiatique, de cet événement pour la Carey. C’est d’ailleurs pourquoi ses producteurs et son staff s’enquièrent et vérifient depuis des mois, jusqu’au moindre détail, l’aspect logistique et organisationnel des deux concerts prévus, ainsi que des conditions de séjour de la vedette et des cinquante et quelques personnes qui l’accompagneront, entre musiciens, administrateurs, techniciens, médecin, kinésithérapeute, maquilleurs, coiffeur… Cachet faramineux Il faut dire que les organisateurs tunisiens, soutenus par la société intermédiaire française, ont veillé au grain, d’où la satisfaction de la partie US. Et comme un spectacle de Mariah Carey, surtout dans un stade, n’est pas une mince affaire, des contacts ont été pris avec une boîte de l’Hexagone spécialisée en équipements son et lumières pour les grands shows. Une dépense — indispensable mais non négligeable — en plus qui vient s’ajouter aux frais des préparatifs, de séjour, de déplacement et… au cachet de l’artiste qui est des plus faramineux. Certes, on n’a pas voulu le dévoiler aux journalistes lors de la conférence de presse, certes on leur a affirmé qu’elle n’a pas exigé le maximum, mais quel que soit le rabais qu’elle a consenti, ses émoluments seront quand même considérables quand on sait qu’elle demande en général 800.000 dollars US par gala. Un investissement d’envergure que les 40.000 billets (35D, 50D, 100D et 200D de soutien) qu’on espère vendre par concert ne peuvent à coup sûr couvrir. Heureusement que, conscient des retombées promotionnelles d’un tel événement pour la Tunisie et pour l’afflux touristique, le ministère du Tourisme, en partenaire, a pesé de tout son poids pour soutenir cette opération, particulièrement en offrant, dans ses différentes représentations, des packages (transport, séjour et billet pour l’un des deux concerts) pour les innombrables fans de Carey en Europe et dans les pays arabes, notamment des sponsors et autres contributions indirectes, telles la dispense de certaines taxes, achèveront l’équilibre financier de cet événement qui ne manquera pas d’avoir un éclat particulier, surtout qu’une Carey ne se produit pas tous les jours chez nous. Et elle chantera en live de bout en bout. C’est ce qu’on nous a affirmé. Source: S. Grichi pour La Presse de Tunisie (Tous droits réservés) Posted on June the 30th. |
For French fans
Package for Tunis I finally found a tour operator which sells a so-said package for the Tunis concerts. It's not really a package 'cause you need to buy the concert ticket subject to availibility. This hotel is located in Gammarth at 20 km of Tunis. The price for 7 nights ( including breakfast and 1 meal) is at least 399 Euros, plus the ticket(s) to the concert(s), plus 115 Euros for airport taxes, plus 8 Euros réservation costs. Warning, it's at least 543 Euros with 1 standing ticket on the lawn. If you're still interested, click here to see the offer ( I have no deal or interest with this tour operator, it's just the only one I found until now). Posted on June the 30th. |
Pour les fans Français
Package pour Tunis J'ai finalement trouvé une agence qui propose un package (vol, hotel et possibilité d'acheter 1 ticket pour le concert). Ce n'est pas à proprement parler un package car vous devez acheter le ticket pour le concert en plus et comme c'est sous réserve de disponibilité, ce n'est pas garanti. Hôtel Acqua Viva Beach - Gammarth (à 20 km de Tunis) Situation: L’hôtel est situé dans la zone touristique de Gammarth, à 15 minutes de l’aéroport de Tunis Carthage, à 20 minutes de la capitale Tunis, à 15 minutes du terrain de Golf (18 trous) de Carthage et à 10 minutes des Sites Romains de Carthage et du village de Sidi Bou Saïd. Packages avec ce produit Le site étant en version beta, les prix ne sont pas contractuels et sont sous réserve de reconfirmation à la commande. L'affichage des prix est limité à la période que vous avez demandée (Juillet). Séjour 8j/7n sur les cotes de carthage pour voir Mariah Carey au stade El Menzah en demi pension, chambre double, départ de Paris : 399 Euros Les prix varient de 399 Euros à 846 Euros les dates de départ du 16/07/06 au 30/07/06 . Ils comprennent : Séjour de 8 jours et 7 nuits à l'hôtel Acqua Viva Beach en demi-pension, chambre double Vol de Paris à Tunis Vol de Tunis à Paris transferts Mais ne comprennent pas : taxes d'aeroport et hausse carburant 115 euros, taxes de solidarité à competer du 01/.7/2006 : 4 Euros Billet de concert sous reserve de disponibilité à la réservation : Places de concert debout pelouse : 21 Euros Assis : 30 Euros Assis VIP : 120 Euros Frais de reservation (sous reserve de disponibilité) : 8 Euros Donc, ATTENTION, au total cela vous fait minimum 543 Euros pour un séjour en demi-pension plus un ticket debout dans la pelouse. Si vous êtes quand même intéressés cliquez ici pour accéder au site de ce voyagiste (je n'ai aucune commission en vous renseignant celui-là, c'est simplement que je n'en ai pas encore trouvé d'autre) Posted on June the 30th. |
Check the contest
page ![]() The 5 winners of the Heroes of Mariah contest have been announced. Thanks to Sony BMG Music Entertainment Belgium all 5 will receive their copy of the double cd album "Voices". Released to mark the 2006 Fifa World Cup, this album is for collectors as Mariah is featured on it with "Hero". Posted on June the 29th. |
Yes baby!!!!!!!! ![]() "Say Somethin'": Official Belgian chart Ultratip 20 (Wallonie) - 14 (19) - 2 weeks in the chart. Ultratip 20 (Vlaanderen) - 3 (4) - 4 weeks in the chart. Posted on June the 29th. |
Translation of the article from Tunisian
press (see the original one below)
Carey, where are your tickets? What happens with the tickets for Mariah Carey's concert announced for sale on June the 12th.? At J-27 of the first of her two concerts, no tickets yet! It seems that it will be ok in the next few days. But it only seems.... and we can wonder if at the end we will hear Mimi's 5 octaves live. Asking the promotors? Out of question! They will not know what to answer, they are mute. The persons in charge at "Intervalle Events" and "New Music Entertainment" are waiting for the tickets to arrive apparently from France. For concerts happening at the El Menzah in Tunis, it's weird tickets are printed outside our country... Could it be to avoid fraud? Can we say again that the biggest forgers live abroad? So, Mariah Carey, where are your tickets? Source in French: Tunis Hebdo (All rights reserved) Heroes note: See what I posted on June the 25th. About mute promotors, I couldn't reach nobody today. By the way, we can already feel the style of the concerts review which will be written by Tunis Hebdo..... Posted on June the 29th. |
Carey, où sont tes billets !?
Que se passe-t-il avec les billets pour le concert de Mariah Carey, annoncés à la vente dès le 12 juin ? A J-27 du premier de ses deux concerts, point de billets en vue ! Le bruit court que la question serait réglée dans les jours à venir. Il court seulement le bruit … Et on peut se demander si, au final, on pourra entendre les cinq octaves de Mimi en live. Poser la question aux organisateurs ? Hors de … question ! Ils ne sauront quoi répondre. Lorsqu’on est juste une façade, une simple vitrine, on ne peut rester que … muets comme une carpe. Les responsables d’ «Intervalle Events» et de «New music entertainment» attendent, semble-t-il, juste des ordres et que les billets arrivent, apparemment, de l’étranger, et plus exactement de France. Pour des concerts devant se faire au stade d’El Menzah à Tunis, c’est assez bizarre que les tickets d’entrée soient imprimés à l’étranger … Serait-ce pour empêcher les fraudes ? Faut-il rappeler que les plus grands faussaires vivent à l’étranger ? Alors, Mariah Carey, où sont tes billets !? Source: Tunis Hebdo (All rights reserved) Heroes note: Revoir ce que j'ai posté le 25 juin. A propos d'organisateurs muets, je n'ai pas réussi à joindre quelqu'un aujourd'hui. A propos, on sent déjà ce que sera la critique du concert par Tunis Hebdo...... Posted on June the 29th. |
Mariah prefers it pink
Billy Bob Thornton used to eat only orange food. Mariah Carey prefers hers pink. A source who's served the health-conscious diva tells us she's trying to confine herself to salmon, ruby red grapefruit juice and blood oranges Source: New York Daily News (All rights reserved) (extract) Posted on June the 29th. |
Madonna Tours for the Money, Honey
Why, oh why, is Madonna on tour again? As Jim Farber pointed out yesterday in the Daily News, this is her third major show in six years. The answer is easy: it’s the money, honey. Like Barbra Streisand, Madonna doesn’t write her own songs. If she had to depend on publishing royalties to keep up her extravagant lifestyle, she’d be broke. (You can put Cher and Celine Dion in this category, too. Only Mariah Carey was smart enough to make sure her name was on every hit she ever warbled.) Source: FoxNews (All rights reserved) (extract) Posted on June the 29th. |
Mariah mention in the new issue of Billboard
The cover article is about Beyonce who is now using the bee as a symbol. There is a side article which is about different artists and their animal symbols such as DMX and the dog and of course Mariah. Animal Attraction Artists and their (sometimes) meaningful mascots. Billboard polled the experts on some other prominent artists pet projects. Mariah Carey - The Butterfly Carey introduced the critter with her 1997 chart-topping "Butterfly" album. - "The butterfly deals with grace, light, renewal, beauty and rebirth." (Robert Passikoff, President, Brand Keys; company specializing in brand and customer loyalty) - "Because her voice speaks to me, I see Mariah more as a bird. A butterfly is silent. Mariah has a powerful voice." (Josh Rabinowitz, Director of Music, Grey Worldwide Agency) - "Is the butterfly really her thing or a character she is trying to brand? When you see a butterfly, do you think of a butterfly or Mariah?" (Ned Crowley, Executive VP/Group Creative Head, Leo Burnett Chicago Agency) - "She might be taking the standard imagery of metamorphosis like the story of the ugly duckling who turns out to be a swan." (Nicholas Dodman, Director, Animal Behavior Clinic at Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine; author of "Dogs Behaving Badly") Source: Desiree by e-mail Posted on June the 28th. |
Japanese concerts officially confirmed
The dates announced for japan are now posted on Mariah's official site: - Oct 18, 2006 Nagoya - Nagoya Rainbow Hall - Oct 20, 2006 Tokyo - Saitama Super Arena - Oct 21, 2006 Tokyo - Saitama Super Arena - Oct 24, 2006 Osaka - Osaka Jo Hall - Oct 25, 2006 Osaka - Osaka Jo Hall Heroes note: Saitama Super Arena is at about 30 minutes from Tokyo Posted on June the 28th. |
Chicago fans!!!!!!!!
Today, June 28th, 2006 at 10:00am Pepsi Smash @ Meijer Remote Pepsi invites you to join Brian Middleton broadcasting live from 10am - 2pm at Meijer in Rolling Meadows at 1301 Meijer Drive (the corner of Golf and Algonquin Roads.) You'll have a chance to register to win a trip for 2 to see Mariah Carey perform live in Los Angeles at the Pepsi Smash Concert!!! Source: B96 FM Posted on June the 28th. |
No BET Awards for Mariah ![]() Is the Mariah fever over in the US? After the cancellation of a few Tour dates, Mariah now didn't win any BET Award, are some US fans tired of voting? Maybe if Mariah's team had promised a phone call, a jacket or a prize, some US fans would have voted more for Mariah in the viewers category, so sad. You also vote and support Mariah when there's nothing to win for you personally, at least that's what real fans do, where were all Mariah's fans???? I know it sounds rude, but that's really what I think. Posted on June the 28th. |
Mariah on Jack...the Pup-Star
HBF Members! Check out this exclusive video of Mariah talking about her dog Jack! Not a member yet? Join now Source: MariahCarey.com Posted on June the 27th. |
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Mariah On the Cover of Ebony Magazine!
Mariah is featured on the cover of the August Issue of Ebony magazine! The magazine should hit newsstands next week. Be sure to get your copy! Source: MariahCarey.com Heroes note: Ebony Magazine is available in Belgium, it should hit our stores soon. Keep an eye open, or better 2 ![]() Posted on June the 27th. |
It's Pepsi time!!!!!!!
![]() ![]() Source: Buzztone by e-mail Posted on June the 27th. |
Mariah among the presenters at the 2006 ESPYS
Hosted by Lance Armstrong, The ESPYS will be taped July 12 at the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles and televised July 16 on ESPN at 8 p.m. Chicago time. The ESPYS gather top celebrities from sports and entertainment to commemorate the past year's best sports stories by recognizing major achievements, reliving unforgettable moments and saluting the leading performers and performances. Presenters already confirmed to attend The 2006 ESPYS include Will Ferrell, Dwyane Wade, Mariah Carey, LeBron James, Ben Stiller, Ashley Judd, Greg Kinnear, Venus Williams, Jimmy Kimmel, Kiefer Sutherland, Terrell Owens, Carmen Electra and Jake Gyllenhaal. Source: Chicago Bears (All rights reserved) (extract) Posted on June the 27th. |
Don't Forget About Mariah!!!!!!!!
Please it's still time to vote for Mariah at the BET Awards. Click here to vote, vote and vote..... Posted on June the 27th. |
![]() ![]() I received an e-mail from Amélie asking if I could sing "Bringin' On The Heartbreak" again, she miss the time when I sang it almost every day back in 2003. So, Amélie here it is..... "You're bringin' on the heartbrea~~~ea~eak (dum~dudum~) bringin' on the hearta~~~~~~~~che" Posted on June the 26th. |
The Changing Face of AIDS
June 5 marked the twenty-fifth anniversary of the first reported cases of AIDS. And though fewer people are dying of AIDS as treatments improve, greater numbers of people are contracting the virus each year. In June of 1981, there were five confirmed cases of the disease. As of 2004, the cumulative estimated number of AIDS diagnoses in the United States was 944,306. So, the question is, Will the spread of AIDS have slowed down by the time we’re commemorating its fiftieth anniversary? Phill Wilson, executive director of the Black AIDS Institute, says, “The only way for AIDS to be over in America is for AIDS to be over in Black America, and the only way to stop AIDS in Black America is for Black people to take ownership of the disease and mount a mass Black mobilization.” Although Wilson’s words are controversial, they are apt. And who better to spearhead such a campaign than young, black, female celebrities? The celebrity power of women like Eve, Halle Berry, Beyonce Knowles, Mariah Carey, and Alicia Keys, just to name a few, is soaring. These women can carry on the legacy of community involvement and civic education as other celebrity activists—Arthur Ashe, Tony Kushner, Danny Glover, Magic Johnson, and Rosie O’Donnell—have done before them. Oprah Winfrey, for example, has a section of her website dedicated to AIDS in the United States, including CDC statistics and a “How much do you know about AIDS?” quiz that primarily targets middle-aged women. Source: The Century Foundation (All rights reserved) (extract) Posted on June the 26th. |
New Show Added To North American Tour &
Presales Coming
Mariah has added a new show to her North American Tour! Show details are below: Aug. 19 - Atlantic City, NJ @ Trump Taj Mahal Legacy Presale begins: Wed. June 28 @ 10 am local Members Presale begins: Wed. June 28 @ 12 pm local Public Onsale: Sat. July 1 @ 10 am local Source: Mariah Carey.com Posted on June the 26th. |
No Tunis concert tickets for Belgium
I contacted the promotor in Tunis and the Tunisian Tourism office in Belgium, unfortunately Belgian fans can't buy tickets for the concerts. They will only be available (hopefully) in some countries in some Tunisair offices. Good luck to all the ones trying to purchase tickets ![]() Posted on June the 26th. |
Lil Jon Plans To Rock With Mariah, Snoop,
R. Kelly
'I'mma give them something fresh,' rapper says about Crunk Rock, which he hopes to release in September. Lil Jon's new philosophy on making hit albums: Why wait until you're almost done recording to secure the big-name collaborators? Jon just started recording his Crunk Rock LP in a Las Vegas studio, and he already has a few aces up his sleeve. "I think me and R. Kelly are about to do some new stuff together," Jon said backstage at the Boost Mobile RockCorps concert at Atlanta's Fox Theatre (see "Jeezy, Lil Wayne, Big Boi Rock The Crowd; Game Remembers 2Pac At ATL Benefit"). "Two weeks into my record, and we already hooking up. I got with him on my last album, but I waited until I was almost at the end. Hooking up with him early is going to be crazy. I'm supposed to get one with Mariah and I got one with Snoop that's crazy! "The album is going to be stupid — as they say in the Bay, 'dumb, yellow bus,' " he added. "It's going to be that crazy. I'm just trying to give people good music on this album. Try something different. Just experiment. People are scared to try things. I'm gonna give them some stuff they would expect so they don't look at me like I'm crazy, but I'mma give them something fresh." There's no set release date on Crunk Rock, but Jon hopes it drops in the fall, maybe as early as September (see "Lil Jon Wants To Double His Gold By Becoming King Of Rock"). The album's first single is "Snap Yo Fingers," and if you want to know the story behind the phat gold rope Jon wears in a video for the song, check out the feature "The New Gold Rush: The Dookie Rope Returns." Source: MTV (All rights reserved) Posted on June the 26th. |
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Jeans signed by Mariah up for Charity Auction
Charity auction to fight skin cancer offers boots, suits, other celeb loot From today through Friday, you can bid on celebrity auction items including a Juicy Couture terrycloth suit signed by Jessica Biel, a pair of cowboy boots signed by Jessica Simpson and a pair of jeans signed by Mariah Carey. All proceeds go to a good cause. The Jergens Glow Like the Stars Celebrity Charity Auction is a fund-raiser for the Skin Cancer Foundation, which works to educate people against skin cancer and search for a cure. Last year, the auction raised $5,300. To bid:www.ebay.com/jergensglow. Source: Clarion Ledge - eBay Posted on June the 26th. |
Cindi Berger and Benni Medina: War
Publicist Drops Tyra Banks Supermodel Tyra Banks's publicist Cindi Berger has quit her role after clashing with the chat show host's manager Benny Medina. Berger and her company PMK-HBH no longer represent the former catwalk queen after an argument with Medina, who currently manages Mariah Carey, as well as Banks. Berger tells the New York Daily News, "It's true we are no longer representing Tyra, and it was our decision. I like Tyra very much, both personally and professionally, and I wish her only great success. We could no longer represent her because of her management company." Medina responds, "Cindy was under the impression that we were having conversations with other publicists, and as a pre-emptive measure they stepped down. And we were perfectly fine with that choice." Source: Starpulse (All rights reserved) Posted on june the 26th. |
Concerts in Tunis update
Here are the latest infos but I'll contact the promotor again tomorrow to obtain more details, if possible. It seems there was a problem, false tickets made their way to the public, so, for the fans who already bought tickets, keep in touch with the Tunisian sales points to be sure your ticket is an original one as the "true" tickets only go on sale tomorrow. For the fans who are worried about security problems, the Tunisian government did and will do their best to assure the maximum security for everyone, special security teams went to Germany to have a special training session. The official tickets sale date is tomorrow Monday June 26, for Tunis, Tuesday June 27 for Tunisia and Thursday June 29 in some countries (see all sales points below) Posted on June the 25th. |
Les concerts à Tunis: un peu plus d'infos
Voici les dernières infos, de toute façon je contacterai encore le promoteur demain pour avoir plus de détails, si possible. Il semblerait qu'il y ait eu un problème de falsification de billets, donc pour les fans en ayant déjà acheté quelque part, renseignez-vous auprès de votre point de vente, car les billets authentiques ne seront mis à la vente que demain. Pour les fans se posant des questions point de vue sécurité, le maximum a été mis en oeuvre pour assurer la sécurité de chacun, des équipes de sécurité Tunisiennes ont été spécialement entraînées en Allemagne. Démarrage de la vente des billets Lundi 26/06/06 pour le Grand-Tunis aux points de vente suivants: - Stade Olympique d'EL Menzah. - Stade Chedly Zouiten. - Théâtre municipal de Tunis. - Amphithéâtre de Carthage. - Maison de la culture et de la jeunesse Menzah 6. - Maison de la culture et de la jeunesse Rades. - Délégation Culturelle du Gouvernorat de l'Ariana, de Ben Arous et de La Manouba Mardi 27/06/06 pour le Grand-Tunis aux points de vente suivants: - Aéroport de Tunis-Carthage - Aéroport de Monastir - Aéroport de Djerba - Free Shop Zone Blanche à l'aéroport de Tunis-Carthage - Free Shop Zone Blanche à l'aéroport de Monastir - Free Shop Zone Blanche à l'aéroport de Djerba - Free Shop Zone Blanche de la CIN - Délégation Culturelle du Gouvernorat de Nabeul, de Hammamet, de Tabarka, de Bizerte, de Béja, de Monastir, de Sfax, de Gafsa, de Kairouan, de Sousse, de Mahdia, de Gabès et de Djerba - Maison des jeunes de Sousse. A l'étranger à compter du jeudi 29/06/06 auprès des représentations Tunisair en: - France - Italie - Allemagne - Espagne - Algérie - Libye - Liban Posted on June the 25th. |
"Time Of Your Life" on Belgian mixtape ![]() Mariah's "Time Of Your Life" is featured on DJ Daddy K's new mixtape. Daddy K is one of the biggest Belgian DJs regularly traveling to New York, hosting parties in the hottest Belgian clubs, he's also resident DJ at Radio Contact (Contact RnB and RnB Fever). Posted on June the 24th. |
Ryan Michelle Bathe: "Mariah is a modern day
Judy Garland.'"
In the "Unleashed" magazine March/April issue, actress Ryan Michelle Bathe (who is in the TV show Boston Legal) quoted: "Some of-the-moment artists that don't dishearten the up and coming crooner? Mary J. Blige, Christina Agulilera and Mariah Carey. Speaking of Carey's platinum selling The Emancipaton of Mimi, Bathe praises, 'It's rare to find someone who can do the modern in carnation of HipHop, and still maintain musical integrity. Her range, her pitch- she's a modern day Judy Garland.'" Source: Desiree by e-mail Posted on June the 24th. |
Ticket tug-of-war
Fan clubs, promoters, scalpers increasingly snapping up seats at hottest concerts Tickets for Mariah Carey's fall concert go on sale today at 2 p.m., but many of the best seats are already gone. The first crack at the 14,000 or so seats available for the Sept. 25 show has been given to Calgary Flames season ticket holders, corporate sponsors of The Adventures of Mimi world tour, fan clubs, radio stations, record labels and, yes, even the media. Industry representatives won't reveal exactly how many tickets are sold under such arrangements, but some say that could account for close to 20 per cent of total seats, including some of the best ones in the house. "Largely because of the increasing number of pre-sales to fan clubs or American Express cardholders or whoever, the actual number of tickets sold to the general public is less than you would have seen five or 10 years ago," says Gary Bongiovanni, editor of concert publication Pollstar. "It has been a diminishing number." Libby Raines, spokeswoman for the Pengrowth Saddledome where Carey will perform, says most concerts have a pre-set number of seats kept out of sales to the public, but that is usually determined by the promoter. "Some shows provide pre-purchase opportunity to fan clubs," she says, "and in some cases, they will work with the building for building clients such as season ticket holders. "Is this going to be the status quo for concert tickets in Calgary? Flames season ticket holders will always have priority? I sure hope not. This marketing tactic by the Saddledome management is a slap in the face to Calgarians." Raines defends the policy of giving Flames ticket holders first crack at concert seats. "We think it's a fair policy," she says. "It's an arrangement made with the promoter and the band management." Also making it tougher to land seats is ticket scalping, which is not illegal in Canada, as it is in the U.S. In the U.S., it's estimated scalpers and ticket brokers -- many of whom employ computer hackers to purchase quality seats they can resell at a premium -- account for half of the $3 billion revenue of the annual concert business. "To be honest with you, I hate scalpers," says Shane Bourbonnais, executive vice-president for Clear Channel Entertainment, North America's biggest concert promotion company. "I sit in my office and work my ass off, put Clear Channel's money on the line and book a show, and a scalper can go and buy a ticket on the back of my hard work and profit from it? It pisses me off." To combat this gross inflation while absorbing some of its benefits, Ticketmaster has now convinced several prominent artists to conduct ticket auctions, or what the company calls "dynamic pricing." In this system of timed auctions, interested consumers go online and bid on tickets, which are priced higher than face value at the start of the auction. The money is then split between the artist and the promoter, with Ticketmaster taking a service fee. "This helps keep tickets out of the unauthorized, secondary markets where (another company) determines how much the consumer is going to pay," explains Ticketmaster spokeswoman Bonnie Poindexter. "This way, fans decide." "The artists want to cover as much ground as they can and visit as many cities as they can, and most of them are not willing to go to Calgary and play three shows, if that's what it takes to meet demand," Bongiovanni says. "They'd rather play one show and charge a higher ticket price. And it's in their best interest to keep fans wanting." Here's some more bad news for those hoping things will change in favour of the general public. Since fans are willing to pay exorbitant sums for concert tickets, artists, promoters and venues have no reason to lower prices anytime soon. And there's no indication they ever will. "You could certainly make the argument that the concert market is not the egalitarian, music-for-the-people sentiment it used to be," Bongiovanni says. "In many cases, we've priced the average fan out of being able to sit in the best seat. We live in a supply and demand world, and you'll find that there will always be enough people willing to pay whatever money to buy whatever they want because it's available to them. Is that fair? Obviously you can make arguments both ways." Source: Calgary Herald (All rights reserved) (extract) Posted on June the 24th. |
Finally ![]() Mariah will get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame Jamie Foxx, Mariah Carey and Erik Estrada are among those who'll be getting stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame next year. The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce picked 23 names out of a list of 200 nominees. Kiefer Sutherland, Matt Damon, John Goodman, Jerry Stiller, Diddy, the Doors, Tim McGraw, LeAnn Rimes and Shania Twain are some of the others who'll get stars. Hollywood Walk of Fame names 2007 honorees Rapper and producer Sean "Diddy" Combs, rock disc jockey Rodney Bingenheimer and TV host Barbara Walters have something in common. They will join 20 other celebrities from radio, recording, theater, television and film to be honored in 2007 with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Recipients were announced Friday by Walk of Fame committee chairman Johnny Grant. "It's a privilege to honor these performers," he said. In a marathon meeting held June 16, the committee reviewed more than 200 nominations to select the 23 honorees. The complete list of 2007 Walk of Fame recipients, as ratified by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce board of directors: - Motion pictures: Michael Caine, Matt Damon, Lauren Shuler Donner, Jamie Foxx, John Goodman, Michelle Pfeiffer, Robert Altman. - Television: Walters, Erik Estrada, Kiefer Sutherland, Jerry Stiller, Dick Wolff. - Recording: Combs, Mariah Carey, The Doors, Crystal Gayle, Tim McGraw, LeAnn Rimes, Shania Twain. - Live theater/performance: Sir Tim Rice, Lily Tomlin. - Radio: Bingenheimer, Stu Nahan. Source: Fox - USA Today Heroes comment: Mariah already has her real star I gave her 3 years ago, click here if you wanna see her surprised and moved, but the "Hollywood" one is THE star she deserved since so many years. Posted on June the 23rd. |
I'm baaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!! Did you miss me as
much as I missed you???? ![]() I quickly checked the latest news, what the heck happens with some Tour dates??? The concerts in Hershey, Denver and Seattle have been cancelled...... It seems according to the New York Daily News that her "Madgesty" makes fun of it, oh well, I better ignore it, it doesn't worth my time. - 4 dates have been added: August the 29th. - Toronto - Air Canada Center September the 3rd. - Wantagh - Jones Beach Amphitheater September the 19th. - Winnipeg - MTS Centre September the 25th. - Calgary - Pengrowth Saddledome - No official update for Los Angeles and Anaheim. - Nothing new about possible packages for the Tunisian concerts, the promotor updated the site with the locations where you can buy tickets in Tunisia, but they say you can buy tickets at the "Tunisair" points in the following countries: France, Italy,Germany, UK, Spain, Algeria, Libia, Lebanon. Posted on June the 23rd. |
No updates until June the 24th.
Guys, I'm off until June the 24th., I really needed some rest. I will not be able to update the site, but I'll stay in touch through our forum. Take care ya'll and don't forget to vote for Mariah everywhere you can ![]() Posted on June the 15th. |
Mariah Receives Teen Choice Awards Nominations
The Teen Choice Awards FIRST WAVE of nominees were announced today - you can start voting at TeenPeople.com/teenchoice. These nominations will be narrowed down, so be sure to come back to TeenPeople.com/teenchoice to start voting for the second wave of categories on July 6 and third wave on July 27. Voting ends on August 11. The Teen Choice Awards show airs live on Fox on August 20 at 8pm ET/PT. Mariah received nominations in the following categories: Choice Music: Female Artist Choice Music: R&B Artist Congrats to Mimi! Help her out and Vote now! Source: Mariah Carey.com Posted on June the 15th. |
Concert Ticket Prices Shock Even Music Insiders
Ticket Brokers Not Sure To Expect With Upcoming, High-Profile Acts Madonna, Barbra Streisand, Mariah Carey and many others are hitting the road this summer. For many, it's their first tour in years. CBS 2's Vince Gerasole looks at a trend that means fans have to pay more than ever to see a favorite performer. Madonna performed her first of four concerts at the United Center Wednesday night, and some fans have paid upwards of $200 to see the Material Girl live. "It's too many. Tickets are too expensive," said Daniel Finkel with Gold Coast Tickets. Madonna, however, is not alone when it comes to pricey concert entertainment. "The face values, they keep skyrocketing," Finkel said. People needing to see Barbra Streisand this fall will also need lot of money. Main floor and side section tickets at the United Center have a face value of $750. Music insiders are astounded "I never thought we would see anywhere near that for a concert ever," said B 96's Eric Bradley. "I don't know what's going to happen. We've never seen face value like that before, so I don't know how it's going to turn out," Finkel said. Source: cbs2chicago (All rights reserved) (extract) Heroes comment: At least Mariah's concerts are affordable for anyone in the US, as she thought about her fans who don't have a lot of money. In a lot of cities prices start around $20 US. Posted on June the 15th. |
The ARCF is up for 2006
For those who don't know, the ARCF is an annual fundraiser in the name of Mariah's late father to raise funds for a mass donation to the American Cancer Society. To date the ARCF has raised over $1500 in the past two years. We've been running several auctions on ebay and fans have made many generous contributions. Please visit the site and don't forget International fans can pay through Paypal. Source: Jae from the ARCF Posted on June the 15th. |
Belgian fans: Vote now for "Say Somethin'"
on StuBru's Afrekening
Put Mariah with "Say Somethin'" in your top 3 + 2 other songs you like in thelist. Click here. Source: Swami B on our forum Posted on June the 15th. |
"Makin' It Last All Night" #1 in Belgium ![]() On NRJ Belgique "Makin' It Last All Night" made it to #1 on this weeks "Total R&B charts. Posted on June the 15th. |
One of the Franchize Boyz busted in drug raid
Maurice “Parlae” Gleaton - one of the rap group Dem Franchize Boyz – was arrested and charged with trafficking marijuana with a group of eight people on Tuesday during a police raid of an Atlanta studio. During the raid of the recording studio, police and other agencies seized about 11 pounds of marijuana, a couple of handguns, and more than $160,000 in cash, according to police reports. Among the seven others arrested and charged in the raid was the head of Making Big Moves Entertainment Anthony Blalock. Dem Franchize Boyz debuted with a self-titled album in 2004 and saw success with their 2006 certified gold follow-up ‘On Top of Our Game’ which had the hit single “Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It.” The group also teamed with Grammy winner Mariah Carey in 2006 for the re-mix of the singer’s "Say Somethin'" single. Source: M&C News (All rights reserved) Posted on June the 15th. |
Yes baby!!!!!!!! ![]() "Say Somethin'" jumped from #17 to # 6 in the Official Belgian sales chart "Ultra Tip" (for the Dutch speaking part of Belgium). Posted on June the 15th. |
Megan Rochell opening act for "The Adventures
of Mimi"
Megan Rochell, newcomer at the IDJ family, will perform as opening act at some of Mariah's concerts. According to an interview on Soundslam she said: " I'll be touring this summer. You'll get to see me on the Mariah Carey tour, Ne-yo's tour, and I'll be on Chris Brown's tour" Source for the info: Soundslam Posted on June the 15th. |
Hershey concert cancelled
According to Ticketmaster, the September 3 concert in The Giant Center at Hershey has been cancelled. Posted on June the 15th. |
UK fans, win a chance to meet mariah carey
in Los Angeles.
Several TV channels are making a contest to meet Mariah in LA. Good luck. Source for the info: Dave by e-mail Posted on June the 14th. |
LA area fans, Honey B. Fly will be giving
away tickets to 2 members and a guest!
Mariah will be appearing on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno on Monday, June 19th! Don't miss her performance. Go read the infos to enter here. Source: MariahCarey.com Posted on June the 14th. |
Official site for Mariah in Tunis open now!!!!
I posted my infos this afternoon and they said they were working on infos and updates (check my news from yesterday and earlier today) they went fast. The official site for Mariah in Tunis is launched now. check it out, it's beautiful. Click here to access Mariah Carey Tunisia. Posted on June the 14th. |
Mariah denies rumors of a duet with Whitney
Mariah Carey has rebuffed speculation she plans to record a duet with Whitney Houston, in a bid to reignite the troubled singer's career. Houston has been dogged by reports questioning her health and alleged drug use in recent months, but Carey insists she is not aware the "I Will Always Love You" star is experiencing any problems. She says, "I did not say (we'd record this duet), because to me that sounds like I'm saying she has a problem, and I wouldn't say that. I haven't spoken to Whitney in a long time. "When I knew her, she was really fun and cool and just one of the most talented people in the world, so, of course, I support her, but I would never say she's going through a hard time because she never told me that." Source: Contactmusic (All rights reserved) Posted on June the14th. |
![]() Check all the promo banners on the special Heroes of Mariah "The Adventures of Mimi" Tunis - here. As we all know, Mariah will start "The Adventures of Mimi" Tour in Tunis on July 22 and 24. Where: Stade El Menzah Capacity: 40.000 Prices of the tickets: 35, 40, 50 and 200 DT (Dinar Tunisien) and Top VIP at 1.000 DT (note: 35 DT = 21 Euro, 40 DT = 24 Euro, 50 DT = 30 Euro, 200 DT = 120 Euro, 1.000 DT = 597 Euro) From the latest news, the promoter is still working on a way to sell tickets online and fix the special packages (including flight, hotel and ticket). Normally the infos shoud be available in the week to come. Thanks to "Intervalles Events" for the banners. Posted on June the 14th. |
At Def Jam they all eat bleak soup ![]() Music's A-Listers Make Merry In what many called "the party of the year," Reid and his wife, Erica, rented out the whole restaurant Saturday night and celebrated with the music world's A-listers until 4 a.m. There was Jay-Z, looking so slim some started whispering about a "Def Jam Diet." One partier noted, "L.A. has lost a lot of weight. So has Jay, [Jay's girlfriend] Beyoncé, Mariah [Carey], [Reid's p.r. woman] Laura Swanson and [Def Jam publicist] Jana Fleischman. It's amazing. It's like a whole new skinny company." Jay-Z took to the dance floor with Beyoncé as Lionel Richie sang "Easy (Like Sunday Morning)." John Legend swayed with the crowd, and Carey, who arrived two hours late, danced with manager Benny Medina. After Richie and Def Jam artist Chrisette Michelle's performance, Page Six was boldly approached by Star Jones, who has taken her hits in this column over the years. Meanwhile, Usher, Kenneth "Babyface" Williams, Alicia Keys, Avril Lavigne and fiancé Deryck Whibley, Ciara, Kelly Rowland, Serena Williams, Rihanna, Janet Jackson and Jermaine Dupri, and Sean Combs all danced until 4 a.m. before heading over to Bungalow 8. Source: PageSix (All rights reserved) (extract) Posted on June the 13th. |
Madge And Mimi In Japan
The two biggest female pop artists in the world, Madonna and Mariah Carey, announced Japan tours practically on top of each other. Madonna did it first. She'll be making her first Japan tour in 13 years, if you want to call two concerts a tour. Madge will be wowing them at the Osaka Dome on September 16 and the Tokyo Dome September 20. With top-end ticket prices peaking at about $500, there's a lot to be wowed about. Mariah Carey is more of a familiar face in Japan. She played there three years ago. But now that she's on the wings of her biggest-selling album ever, Mimi can probably guarantee filling Japan's biggest hall, the Saitama Super Arena, two nights in a row October 20-21. She'll also be doing Nagoya on October 18 and Osaka on October 24-25. However, neither American singer has received half the buzz that home-girl Hikaru Utada received recently when her own national tour was announced. Her first album in four years, Ultra Blue, was released June 14. She'll embark on an 11-city, 22-date Japan tour in July, which will also include two consecutive nights at the Saitama Super Arena. Source: Pollstar (All rights reserved) Posted on June the 13th. |
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All That Glitters
Mariah Carey shines as she arrives at Reid's birthday bash Saturday night. The posh party brought out a who's who of music and Hollywood, including Janet Jackson, Sean "Diddy" Combs, Oprah Winfrey and about 300 other guests, who dined on sushi and watched Lionel Richie perform. Source: People - Amber Posted on June the 13th. |
Bid To Win a Diamond Anklet from Mariah's
Personal Collection
Beginning today through June 22 Mariah is giving her fans the unique opportunity to bid on a 5.78 carat diamond anklet from her personal collection through GRAMMY Charity Online Auctions. Proceeds from this auction benefit MusiCares. To enter the auction, CLICK HERE. MusiCares provides a safety net of critical assistance for music people in times of need. MusiCares services and resources cover a wide range of financial, medical and personal emergencies, and each case is treated with integrity and confidentiality. MusiCares also focuses the resources and attention of the music industry on human service issues that directly impact the health and welfare of the music community. Source: MariahCarey.com Heroes note: Go on Mariah's official site to see a picture of the anklet Posted on June the 13th. |
Tunis update, just a little more patience ![]() Kinou just phoned to the press manager for the concerts in Tunis, this person is very nice and will keep all the fans and fansites which contacted her as soon as possible. All international fans are very welcome and will receive a warm welcome to share this great event with local people in a spirit of intercultural friendship. The infos about the special packages will be revealed asap, there was a delay in the organisation to make it the most easiest for the international fans. Tunis update, encore un petit peu de patience |
This probably closes all chances for an
European Tour
Filming of Tennessee Delayed The shooting of Tennessee has been delayed. The film was originally planned to start filming at the end of this month, but has been pushed back until November until Mariah finishes up her tour. Source: MariahDaily Posted on June the 13th. |
Will Mariah attend the Gold and Platinum Award
The RIAA, CTIA and Billboard will announce a new Gold and Platinum Award for the sales of mobile ringtones. The event will take place at the Time Warner Center in New York on June the 14th. 128 certifications will be given. Among the attendees will be JD, Bow Wow, Dem Franchise Boyz, Mario, Ciara and Bubba Sparxx. And as Mariah's ringtone for "We Belong Together" went Platinum, maybe she will attend the event. Thanks to my homie DJ MoChild for the infos. Posted on June the 12th. |
![]() Click on the pic to see the video. ![]() |
Star Catcher NY -- LA Reid's B-Day Party
The hottest stars in hip-hop were on hand for music mogul LA Reid's birthday bash. It was a star studded night in NY as our cameras were on hand at LA Reid's 50th birthday party. The music mogul showed up amongst many friends, fans and family. Mariah Carey arrived, doing things in her trademark diva fashion. The singer, who arrived right before the party started, began giving strict orders on the carpet to the media, telling them how to take pictures of her and to wait until she looked their way before they snapped their shots. Source: TMZ (All rights reserved) Posted on June the 12th. |
Mariah in "Time" magazine part 2
Like reported yesterday, Mariah is featured in today's "Time" magazine. I was able to buy it here in Brussels today, it's only the Q & A we already got on "Time"'s website yesterday, but in addition there's a very cute and lovely picture of Mariah. Due to the poor quality of the paper, I wasn't able to scan it correctly. Posted on June the 12th. |
Concerts in Tunis update
Guys, you were a lot to e-mail me about the ticket sales announced for today. I did my best to keep you updated, phoned again to the offices of the Government of Tourism Affairs in Tunis, to the Cultur and Tourism offices and I got the same "cold" answer, they don't know when the tickets will be on sale for international fans and you need to wait to see if you can obtain tickets in your own country, even when I said that I knew from the press manager for the concerts himself that there would probably be special packages, they were...... ok, next. I then phoned to the El Menzah Stadium, they said they didn't receive the tickets yet and I should call back in a few days. I couldn't reach the press manager for the concerts in Tunis nor the promoter today. So, let's patiently wait until they want to tell us something. Concerts en Tunisie Vous avez été nombreux à m'é-mailer pour avoir des infos à propos de la vente des tickets qui devait débuter aujourd'hui. Fans Français, vous êtes les bienvenus et je fais de mon mieux pour vous informer aussi, mais n'oubliez pas qu'il existe un club Français non officiel qui peut sûrement vous aider aussi. Bon, j'ai fait de mon mieux pour avoir des infos, j'ai téléphoné à nouveau au bureau gouvernemental du Tourisme à Tunis, à la Maison de la culture et du Tourisme à Tunis et j'ai reçu le même accueil "froid", ils ne savent pas quand les tickets seront en vente pour les fans étrangers et on doit attendre de voir si on sait obtenir des tickets dans nos pays respectifs, même si je leur ai dit que je savais par le press manager des concerts lui-même que des packages spéciaux seraient normalement prévus, ils ont été... passons.... J'ai alors téléphoné au stade El Menzah et là ils m'ont dit qu'ils n'avaient pas encore reçu les tickets et que je pouvais rappeler dans quelques jours. Je n'ai pas réussi à joindre le press manager des concerts à Tunis, ni le promoteur aujourd'hui. Donc, la seule chose à faire est d'attendre patiemment, jusqu'à ce qu'ils veuillent nous dire quelque chose. Posted on June the 12th. |
Always say "yes" to IDJ CEO L.A.Reid
Island Def Jam dumped the 24-year-old Milian — best known for her 2001 single "AM to PM" — after her third album, "So Amazin,' " was less than amazin' in the sales department. Adding insult to injury, I'm told that Vibe magazine canceled Milian's scheduled August cover — after Island Def Jam informed the mag that she's toast — and replaced her with R&B singer Keyshia Cole. Milian's PR rep confirmed the split with the record label, but tried to give it a sweet sound: "Christina Milian and Island Def Jam have decided to end their relationship due to creative differences. This was a mutual decision." Island Def Jam had no comment. But I hear that Milian — who a few months ago antagonized her ex-flame, MTV "Wild 'N Out" star Nick Cannon, by dissing him in interviews and a song — also irked record execs by refusing to take direction from Island Def Jam CEO L.A. Reid. Despite Reid's pleading, I'm told, Milian passed on recording "S.O.S. (Rescue Me)," which ended up becoming a hit single for her label mate Rihanna — whose record, "Girl Like Me," sold 115,000 copies in its first week. By contrast, Milian's heavily hyped album sold fewer than half that number — a meager 50,202 units — in the week after its May 16 release. Never mind that Island Def Jam laid on a promotional budget worthy of Mariah Carey. I'm told folks at Island Def Jam are blaming Milian's boyfriend and executive producer, Marcello (Dre) Valenzano, of the producing team Cool & Dre, for the artist's alleged lack of cooperation. Source: Lloyd Grove for New York Daily news (All rights reserved) Posted on June the 12th. |
Da Brat guest on "The Adventures Of Mimi"
Tour ?
Here's what Da Brat just revealed: " I may pop up out on a tour this summer. NO I'm not going on tour but I may make some guest appearances on a tour" Posted on June the 11th. |
Mariah attended the Essence Music Festival's
Essence Cares Taping - June 10, 2006 - HBO Studio's in NYC
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Source: WireImage (All rights reserved) Posted on June the 11th. |
Mariah in tomorrow's "Time" Magazine
The Canadian site Macleans reports: " ..... Carey told Time for its issue on newsstands Monday" I went on "Time"'s site and tada..... Q&A MARIAH CAREY - From the Jun. 19, 2006 issue of TIME magazine By Rebecca Winters Keegan The Emancipation of Mimi became the best-selling album of 2005. Now Mariah Carey hopes her current tour will extend that career high note - In high school I washed dishes at your summer camp. Get out! - Does Camp Mariah have a song? They have a ton of hot cheers. - How does it feel to be emancipated? There will always be parts of me that need emancipating. But it feels nice to allow yourself to be who you are. - Do you have any rituals on tour? Rest, humidity and prayer. In New York, I have a steam room with a bed in it. Everything is waterproof. - What's the first concert you ever saw? I didn't exactly have the funds for concerts. There was a time when the only joy I got was recording my outgoing answering-machine messages. My roommate and I left a message once describing when we had no heat, no water, and the fly-paper situation was bleak. It ended up being the message that the record company heard when they called to sign me. I was mortified. - You'll play a waitress in a movie called Tennessee. Were you afraid to act again after Glitter? I was honored Lee Daniels called me. He produced The Woodsman and Monster's Ball. He's a risk taker. Obviously it would be a risk in a lot of people's minds to cast me. But he never saw Glitter. - Have you ever sent dogs running with a high note? No, but I got a letter from a girl who said she was listening to one of my songs and every time I hit a particular high note, the garage door would open or close. Thanks, Mariah. Hey, thanks for doing the dishes Source: Time (All rights reserved) Posted on June the 11th. |
Mariah in Tunis
According to "Intervalle Events", 200 people will be hired to prepare the event. As already reported, Mariah will have a 50 persons staff. Tickets on sale: 2 x 40.000 Mariah à Tunis
Mariah enjoys parties
Last night, Mariah went to L.A. Reid's birthday party and the same night she attended June Ambrose's birthday party too. According to Page Six: " Rap-star stylist June Ambrose, whose book, "Effortless Style," comes out next month, celebrated her 35th birthday the other night at Philippe with Benny Medina, L.A. Reid, Mariah Carey, Jay-Z, Beyonce and Sean Combs." Mariah sweetheart, warning for the cake (private joke: not me ![]() Posted on June the 11th. |
Yayyyyyyyyyyy, my "WUDA Award" gets one more
international recognition ![]() For the ones of you who remember, I created the WUDA Award 'cause Jack didn't win an Award on Regis & Kelly, and we knew Mariah would have been so happy with an Award for her Jack. Mariah received Jack's WUDA Award in December 2005 in London. The WUDA news made its way in the December 2005 issue of the US OK Magazine and now it's quoted in the German "In Touch" magazine. You can check the scans on Honey and Kate's site "Butterflies Are Free". For remind, here's the Prees Release: WUDA 2005 winner selected **For immediate release.** Brussels, Belgium (11/29/2005) - The World Urban Doggy Award (WUDA) was established in 2005 to recognize the outstanding talent in dog energy and love. It is considered one of the world's most prestigious awards. For the 2005 award, 41 submissions were received from worldwide journalists, veterinarians, fashion designers.... The WUDA recognizes an accomplished career as true and loyal friend, and the real contribution to the dog community. Gilles Ollevier, CEO of the WUDA, is proud to honor Jackson P. Mutley with the first WUDA award. The award ceremony will be held in December 2005 in London. For more information, contact Heroes of Mariah (The Belgian Club of Mariah Carey). Website: http://www.heroesofmariah.com/ ![]() ![]() ![]() Posted on June the 11th. |
Mariah Attends L.A. Reid's Birthday Party
Below are photos of Mariah arriving at Nobu 57, New York City for L.A. Reid's 50th birthday party June 11, 2006. ![]() ![]() ![]() Click to enlarge Source: MariahDaily Posted on June the 11th. |
Mariah interview now up on Washington's Hot
Mariah talks about Jack's line " Pup Star", a funny story about Mary-Ann and her dog, the morsel diet, the Tour, etc... Check it out, it's funny. Click here to listen and download. Source: Hot 99.5 - Desiree by e-mail Posted on June the 10th. |
French group M6 refuses to play the "Say Somethin'"
First the Belgian shock (read below), now a French shock. In a French magazine there was a picture of the "Say Somethin'" video and they said that the very popular French group M6 didn't want to air the video on any of their channels 'cause of the publicity in the video (read Vuitton). Guys, keep them comin', maybe I can start a "shock" page ![]() Source for the info: freakydavid on our forum Posted on June the 10th. |
In shock update
I got an update thanks to the members of our forum. Radio Donna is not the biggest radio for the Dutch speaking part of Belgium anymore. Yipiiiiiiiie. But I'm still mad at the non sense comments of the DJ. C'mon guys, let's request "Say Somethin'" more than ever on that radio. Even if it's not the biggest one anymore, it still has a big audience in the Dutch speaking part of our country. All links can be found in the promo page (I just realised if you have a pop up blocker you can't see the promo banners ![]() It's here... Posted on June the 10th. |
In shock![]() ![]() You know me, I'm not the kinda guy to hide shit, even when it happens in my own country. As it's Saturday morning and my dad is listening to Radio Donna (the biggest radio for the Dutch speaking part of Belgium), suddenly at 11h50 in the show "Hitback", I heard "Fantasy" ![]() After "Fantasy" was over, the DJ talked about Mariah's Tour in the US and Canada, I still tought: "Cool, he's talking about Mariah's Tour". But then he added: "As Mariah is ignoring Europe for her Tour and is only doing the US and Canada, I suggest we ignore her new single" ![]() Posted on June the 10th. |
Mariah will attend the 2006 ESPY Awards ceremony
ESPN to hounour Afghan female soccer players Afghan girls whose participation in soccer is changing attitudes toward women in their troubled homeland will receive the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the ESPYS next month, sports channel ESPN said Friday. "Just five years removed from the Taliban's rule, these girls are helping to spark a women's revolution by simply playing a sport that they love," Maura Mandt, executive producer of the 2006 ESPY Awards, said in a statement Friday. The honour, named for the late tennis great, is given to those whose "contributions transcend sports," according to ESPN, producer and home of the awards airing Sunday, July 16. Fifteen teams made up of girls ranging in age from 12 to 18 play in Kabul, their country's capital, despite hardships that include practicing in traditional head-to-toe garb and limited transportation to and from practices. The Afghan soccer leagues formed after a small group of Kabul teenagers visited the United States in 2004 to attend soccer clinics as part of a newly created organization, the Afghan Youth Sports Exchange. "After 30 years of war, Afghan girls can once again become leaders," AYSE founder Awista Ayub said in a statement. "Sports are rapidly becoming the gateway to leadership, peace and equality in Afghanistan." Two of the teenagers who were part of the U.S. visit, Shamila Kohestani, 18, and Roia Ahmad, 16, will accept the award at the ESPYS. The ceremony, which recognizes leading sports performances and athletes and will be taped July 12, will be hosted by champion cyclist and cancer survivor Lance Armstrong. Presenters and guests are to include Mariah
Carey, Will Ferrell, LeBron James, Ben Roethlisberger, Ashley Judd,
Reggie Bush, Greg Kinnear, Venus Williams, Samuel L. Jackson and Shaun
White, ESPN announced Friday.
Four days to go to enter the Heroes of Mariah
contest... ![]() ![]() Thanks to Sony BMG Music Entertainment Belgium for the double cd album "Voices". Released to mark the 2006 Fifa World Cup, this album is for collectors as Mariah is featured on it with "Hero". Posted on June the 9th. |
Vote for "Say Somethin'" in Belgium
C'mon guys, now!!!!!! All links to request are posted in the Heroes of Mariah "Say Somethin'" promo page. Thanks to you, the video is now #19 out of #40 on the JIM List 40 and the track went #1 on NRJ "Total RnB. Allez les gars, on vote pour "Say Somethin'"!!!!!!
Tous les liens sont postés sur la page
promo "Say Somethin'" de Heroes of Mariah.
Allé jongens, nu stemmen!!!!! Alle links
zijn gepost in de Heroes of Mariah "Say Somethin'" promo
![]() ![]() ![]() Posted on June the 9th. |
All Mariah magazine
Eric from MCArchives has released the June edition of the All Mariah magazine. Go on his site or on www.all-mariah.com for all details. Posted on June the 9th. |
Japan Ticket Pre-sale
Go on Shino's site for all infos. - Nagoya, October 18 - Saitama - Saitama Super Arena, October 20 and 21 - Osaka - Osaka Jo Hall October 24 and 25 Source: H.I.P - LoveLoveJack Posted on June the 9th. |
Cristal - Anti hip-hop?
In a special edition of The Economist Magazine, the managing director of Louis Roderer Cristal addressed the popularity of the brand amongst Hip-Hop artists. In an article titled "Bubbles & Bling" in a special Summer 2006 issue, Frédéric Rouzaud, the managing director of Cristal, stated that the company observes its association with the rap world with "curiosity and serenity." Despite importing over 50,000 cases of the champagne per year, Rouzaud was less than thrilled at rappers' fondness for the posh drink. "What can we do?" Rouzaud told The Economist. "We can't forbid people from buying it. I'm sure Dom Perignon or Krug would be delighted to have their business." The article further labeled the constant Cristal patronage by rappers as "unwelcome attention." The article contains pictures of Sean "Diddy" Combs, one of the drink's most popular enthusiasts and quotes Jay-Z's No. 1 hit "Hard Knock Life," which name-checked the brand. According to AmericanBrandstand.com, the pricey champagne was the 8th most mentioned brand on Billboard's Top 100 chart in 2005 with 35 mentions, being promoted by the likes of Kanye West, Trina, Lloyd Banks, The Game, Mariah Carey, and others. Source: HHD Posted on June the 8th. |
Mariah contacted to perform an unreleased
recording of a song sung by Marilyn Monroe?
If what Jack Allen claims is true, then he's made one of the greatest cinematic finds in recent history. Allen, a former TV executive and devoted fan of Hollywood's golden age, perused the online auction site of a recently deceased studio employee in April of 2005, hoping to find a few pieces of classic memorabilia. He believes he found an original, unreleased recording of a song sung by Marilyn Monroe, just as she was poised at the verge of superstardom. ''It was mixed in with some other records, what they call playback records,'' Allen says, ''which are records that film studios produced that artists would then move their mouths to during filming. There was a set from the 1953 classic Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, and among them was this record, 'Down Boy.' '' Allen, who currently runs a digital photo lab in Burbank, Calif., and has produced commemorative books on both Monroe and Bette Davis, speculates that the song was considered redundant with the inclusion of the now-legendary number ''Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend.'' Allen contacted actor George Chakiris, who appeared as a chorus boy with Monroe in Gentlemen years before winning an Oscar for his performance in West Side Story; Chakiris confirmed that the number was never actually shot. The song did reappear in 1955's Three for the Show, the little-seen final musical (also choreographed by Gentlemen's Jack Cole) of a then-fading Betty Grable, and its original connection to Marilyn eventually slipped quietly into the movie-trivia ether. 'All the die-hard Marilyn fans have heard of this song,'' says Allen. ''There's a lot of legend encircling her about songs that were supposedly recorded and never filmed, or filmed and cut out, the footage that must exist somewhere, all that.'' Upon receiving the original record, a 78 shellac marked by a faded and yellowed 20th Century Fox sticker set in manual typeface, Allen knew he would need to transfer the recording to something less fragile, stat. "When I got to the studio,'' he says, ''they were afraid to play it, and I had to sign a form. What if it only had one more play in it? But the needle went down, her voice came out, and I just about had a coronary.'' A sweet, playful tune by songwriters Hoagy Carmichael and Harold Adamson — its chorus trills, ''Down, boy/You're actin' like a new foundlin' pup/And mama don't like you jumpin' up. I swear/You gotta stay down, down, down'' — the song does indeed sound like classic Marilyn. And now that the recording is safely transferred to digital, Allen is hoping to get one of her well-known modern fans — among them Gwen Stefani, Mariah Carey, and, perhaps most famously, Madonna — to perform a posthumous duet with the late star, whose 80th birthday would have been last Thursday. With that in mind, Allen has begun contacting a number of celebrity publicists. Source: Entertainment Weekly (All rights reserved) Posted on June the 8th. |
Madison Square garden almost sold out
There are no more tickets available at Ticketmaster, except the ones Ticketmaster is auctioning. But, there are still a lot of tickets available on numerous broker sites. So, we can say it's doing great ![]() Posted on June the 8th. |
"Mimi en Tunisie", Ca va être un moment
de pur bonheur", lâche un journaliste
Mariah Carey chantera en juillet à Tunis avant sa tournée américaine La star, se produisant pour la première fois en Afrique, fera un passage "historique" en Tunisie avant de poursuivre sa tournée aux Etats-Unis et au Canada, aucun concert n'étant programmé à ce jour en Europe, ont indiqué Issam Allani et Abou Mansouri au cours d'une conférence de presse. MM. Allani et Mansour représentaient la société tunisienne "Intervalle Events" et "New music entertainment", agence booking de la vedette en France. Sous le slogan "Mimi en Tunisie", la diva aux 160 millions de disques vendus dans le monde signera son retour au devant de la scène avec "The Emancipation of Mimi", vendu à neuf millions d'exemplaires et six fois disque de platine. Celle qui a connu une traversée du désert avant de recevoir en février trois Grammy Awards, donnera un méga-show au Stade olympique d'El Menzah à Tunis, d'une capacité de 40.000 places. Les billets pour les deux concerts seront mis en vente le 12 juin en Tunisie et en Europe à des tarifs variant entre 35 dinars et 200 dinars (21 et 120 euros environ). "Le regard du monde va être braqué sur la Tunisie", a prédit M. Mansouri indiquant que star newyorkaise se déplacera avec un staff de 50 personnes dont ses gardes du corps et son orchestre, et "chantera en live" sur une scène géante spécialement aménagée. "Ca va être un moment de pur bonheur", lâche un journaliste récitant des titres du dernier album de la star, qui partage la seconde place avec Elvis Presley, (après les Beatles) au classement américain des meilleures ventes. L'Office national tunisien du Tourisme (Ontt) sera le "partenaire officiel" de la manifestation et saisira l'aubaine pour promouvoir la saison estivale. Mariah Carey sera "l'événement de l'été 2006 en Tunisie et nous y comptons pour multiplier les flux de visiteurs", a déclaré Férid Fetni, représentant de l'Ontt à la conférence de presse. Des tours opérateurs seront désignés pour la vente de forfaits séjour en Tunisie comprenant les frais de transport, hébergement et billet d'entrée au concert, a-t-il dit. Mariah Carey, sera la plus grande star américaine à se produire en Tunisie après le roi de la musique pop, Michael Jackson, qui avait déplacé il y a dix ans à Tunis des foules parmi ses fans au Maghreb et en Europe. Source: AFP (All rights reserved) (extract) Posted on June the 8th. |
Mariah in Tunis on July 22 and 24 2006
The singer will perform on July 22 and 24 2006 at the El Menzah stadium in Tunis. These 2 concerts will be the kick off of "The adventures of Mimi"' named after Mariah's summer Tour and after Tunis she will go to the US and Canada. The event is organised by "Intervalle Events" with the collaboration of the Government of Tourism Affairs and the press conference took place this Tursday with MM. Issam Albani, Férid Fetni, Marketing manager of Ontt and Abdou Mansouri, "New Music Entertainment" (Mariah's Booking Agency) in presence of national and international media. "These concerts will be the summer 2006 event in Tunisia as it will be in full touristic season and will be a reason for more tourists to come in our country" said M. Ferid Fetni. Mariah's concerts in Tunis will be a mediatic event outside Tunisia, particularly in Europe. A package including flight, accomodation in Tunisia and the concert ticket will allow people to come from all countries of the world to listen to the star. This event will attract young and less young people from Tunis and other countries aswell. The organisation of the concert began 1 year ago in collaboration with "Intervalle Events" and Mariah's managers. The star will be accompanied by a 50 people staff including her bodyguards, musicians and technicians. A stage will be specially set up for the concert and will be build a few days before at the El Menzah stadium. Ticket prices are at 35, 40, 50 and 200 dinars. The tickets will be on sale starting Monday June 12 at the El Menzah's cultural center, the El Menzah stadium, several cultural centers in the country and in several sales points in Europe.. Source for the Press Release in French: InfoTunisie Translation: Gilles from Heroes of Mariah Posted on June the 8th. |
Mariah Carey, en concert à Tunis, les
22 et 24 juillet 2006
La célèbre chanteuse américaine Mariah Carey se produira les 22 et 24 juillet 2006 sur la scène du stade olympique d'El Menzah à Tunis. Ces deux concerts marqueront le point de départ des "Aventures de Mimi'', titre de la tournée estivale de la star qui, apres son passage en Tunisie, ira dans plusieurs villes des Etats-Unis et du Canada, sachant que depuis 2003, cette chanteuse ne s'est pas produite en concert. Cet événement initié par la societé ''Intervalle Events'', en étroite collaboration avec le ministère du Tourisme a fait l'objet jeudi matin à Tunis d'une conference de presse à laquelle ont pris part MM.Issam Allani, responsable à la Société "Intervalle Events", Férid Fetni, Directeur du marketing et de la communication à l'Ontt et Abdou Mansouri , responsable à l'agence ''New Music Entertainment (Agence de booking de Mariah Carey) en présence de plusieurs representants de la presse nationale et internationale. ''Ces concerts constitueront l'événement de l'été 2006 en Tunisie surtout qu'ils se tiendront en plein milieu de la saison touristique et ne manqueront pas d'impulser le flux touristique vers notre pays'' a estimé M.Ferid Fetni. La prestation de Mariah Carey à Tunis fera l'objet d'une grande médiatisation à l'étranger, en particulier en Europe, à travers les structures de l'Ontt. L'on prévoit aussi la commercialisation en package comprenant le billet d'avion, le séjour en Tunisie et le billet d'entrée aux deux concerts afin de permettre au public de venir nombreux, de tous les coins du monde, écouter la star on live, a encore dit M.Fetni. M.Issam Allani s'est déclaré fier de l'organisation de cette manifestation qui doit attirer des jeunes et des moins jeunes durant la saison estivale, de Tunisie et de plusieurs autres pays. De son côté, M.Abdou Mansouri, a souligné que l'organisation de ce concert est le fruit d'un travail qui a commencé depuis une année en collaboration avec la societé "Intervalle Events" et les managers de Mariah Carey. La star se déplacera avec un staff de 50 personnes dont ses gardes corps, les membres de l'orchestre et les techniciens, a - t-il precisé. Une scène sera spécialement conçue pour ce concert et sera montée quelques jours à l'avance au stade olympique d'El Menzah. Les prix des billets sont fixés à 35, 40, 50 et 200 dinars. La vente des billets se fera à partir de lundi 12 juin au centre culturel d'El Menzah 6 et au stade oympique d'El Menzah ainsi que dans plusieurs maisons de la culture à l'intérieur du pays et aussi dans différents points de vente en Europe. L'album de la star internationale ''The Emancipation of Mimi'' signe le retour de Mariah Carey sur le devant de la scène musicale. Ce titre significatif placé sous le signe du changement et de la transformation est teinté d'influences à la fois RnB, Soul voire Club music. Cet album offre 50 minutes de chansons reparties sur 14 titres dont les singles ''It's Like That'',''We Belong Together'',''Don't Forget About Us''. Six fois disque de platine, ''The Emancipation of Mimi '' (neuf millions d'exemplaires dans le monde) a été le 8 février dernier triplement récompensé lors de l'édition 2006 des Grammy Awards à Los Angeles qui récompensent les performances artistiques et non commerciales des stars internationales de la musique. Source: InfoTunisie (All rights reserved) - thanks to Susana Posted on June the 8th. |
Denver area fans, win tickets for the concert!!!!!
Do you Text? WIN Mariah Carey Tickets 98.9 Magic FM has a chance to for you to find out about the BIGGEST Magic FM Events, the BIGGEST concerts in town, and WIN some hot stuff right on your phone. Click here to be a part of the MAGIC Mail Club, or update your info so you can get EXCLUSIVE text messages from Magic FM. If you sign up between now and July 31, your name will go into a random drawing for a pair of tickets to see Mariah Carey LIVE in concert in Denver. Source: KKMG-FM Posted on June the 8th. |
Mariah Ringtone Goes Platinum
Mariah Carey's ringtone for "We Belong Together" has hit the 1 Million mark in sales. Congrats Mimi! Source: MariahCarey.com Posted on June the 8th. |
For HBF and other members!!!!!!!!
Message Boards Are Here! Honey B. Fly Members. You can now chat with all of the other members of MariahCarey.com on the brand new Message Boards! Non Members. You too can enjoy the Honey B. Fly Message Boards by signing up for a Free Message Board Account. To sign up, visit the Join Page and select the "Free Message Board Access" option. Please note that with this membership, you will be able to access the Public Section of the Message Boards only. Go to the Message Boards now and start posting! Source: MariahCarey.com Posted on June the 8th. |
No European Tour????
Universal France told they only have infos about a Tour in the US and Japan. So..... wait and see. Pas de Tour Européen??? Universal France confirme que les communiqués qu'ils avaient ne concernaient que les Etats-Unis et le Japon. Source: Universal france by phone - mimikitty_mc on our forum Posted on June the 7th. |
The Adventures of Mimi Japan tour announced ![]() It's not posted yet on Mariah's official site, but a schedule of the Japan tour has been announced by Sponichi Annex - Nagoya ( kick-off on October the 18th.) - Saitama - Osaka Mariah will tour in 3 cities and will give 5 concerts. At the moment, Tokyo is not included. Source: Shino from LoveLoveJack Posted on June the 7th. |
Fan job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mariah gave us
16 years, give her 16 minutes every day.
Belgian fans, request "Say Somethin'" Allé jongens, nu doen. Allez les gars, demandez le track partout. Also, worldwide fans, vote for "Say Somethin'" in the US, the track needs your help more than ever. Posted on June the 7th. |
Say Somethin' SugarDip remix
SugarDip is Miami based production team Vincent di Pasquale, Ean Sugarman & Patrick Magee. Vincent di Pasquale was so kind to answer a few questions regarding the "Say Somethin'" remix. Question: Did you guys remixed it totally? Vincent: Yes, Ean and I did all of the remixing production ourselves. Question: Did all 3 of you took part on the remixing? Vincent: I played all of the instruments and do all the programming. Ean and I both did the final mixdown. Question: What material did you use? Vincent: We always start with the A Cappella and experiment with different tempos etc. From there, we build a musical bed and drum groove and spend several days just being "creative" with musical ideas. Then we focus in on a specific direction and finish all the loose ends. The whole process usually takes us about a week. Question: How did you began with it, starting with Mariah's vocals or with the instrumental? Vincent: Ean is also a DJ at one of South Beach's top spots which has a live Sax player that plays over some of his house sets. On this project, it was his idea to bring the sax player in to lay some ideas over the "Say Something" remix. This really turned out well and we feel complimented Mariah's one of a kind voice. A big thanks to Vincente di Pasquale Posted on June the 7th. |
Argentina: Mariah autographed cd auction will
be up for refugees
More than 30 artists and sport celebrities will give autographed items to the ACNUR (Argentina part of the UNHCR, the UN Refugee agency), to be auctioned on DeRemate to commemorate World Refugee Day on June the 20th. Among the international stars who will participate are Angelina Jolie, Juanes, Clint Eastwood and Mariah ( autographed dubble cd of "The Emancipation of Mimi") Source: ACMUR - Gilles (compilation and translation from various sources) Posted on June the 7th. |
Video of Mariah arriving to Sean Combs "Unforgivable"
CFDA After Party
Click here to watch the little video. Source: TMZ - jay on our forum Posted on June the 7th. |
Caught in the Act!
See where the stars have been seen and heard Mariah Carey, proclaiming "Mariah's in the house!" over the deejay's microphone at Sean "Diddy" Combs's CFDA Awards afterparty at New York City club Pink Elephant. The diva wore sunglasses and had a glass of champagne in her hand at all times. Source: People (All rights reserved) (extract) Posted on June the 7th. |
New album for Mariah???
As you can see below, the French newspaper/magazine "France Soir" starts all over again with a new staff, in their first issue released this morning, Mariah is on the cover and inside is an exclusive interview and they say: "before the release of a new album". Wait and see. Posted on June the 7th. |
![]() |
Nouvel album pour Mariah???
Voici l'extrait d'un article paru sur MSN à propos du journal France Soir: "Mariah Carey, Guy Roux et la sécurité routière sont à la Une du quotidien France Soir, qui a reparu mercredi matin sous une nouvelle formule après huit semaines d'absence des kiosques. La nouvelle équipe dirigeante a cependant décidé de remettre les compteurs à zéro par rapport à l'histoire du journal depuis sa création puisque l'édition de mercredi comporte le "N°1". La Une présente une photo de la chanteuse américaine Mariah Carey interviewée "en exclusivité" par France Soir avant la sortie d'un nouveau disque" Source: Jay on our forum. Posted on June the 7th. |
Mariah: "The Emancipation of Mimi", a victory
for me and my fans
Click here to watch the little video clip from the AP Posted on June the 7th. |
Concerts in Tunis news
I was in contact with the press manager for the concerts in Tunis. Normally, there will be special relatively cheap packages (flight, hotel, tickets) for European fans who want to go to Tunis for the concerts. More info in a few days.. Du nouveau pour les concerts à Tunis J'ai été en contact avec le press manager pour les concerts à Tunis. Normallement, il y aura des packages spéciaux relativement bon marché (vol, hotel, tickets) pour les fans Européens désirant se rendre à Tunis pour les concerts. Plus d'infos dans quelques jours. Posted on June the 6th. |
New Heroes of Mariah contest open now ![]() ![]() Thanks to Sony BMG Music Entertainment Belgium for the double cd album "Voices". Released to mark the 2006 Fifa World Cup, this album is for collectors as Mariah is featured on it with "Hero". Posted on June the 6th. |
Washington DC fans!!!!!!!!
Win a trip to LA to see Mariah Carey at the Kodak Theater ![]() You could score a trip to L.A. to see Mariah Carey perform live with a special guest appearance by Chris Brown! Call in for your chance to win a flyaway trip to Pepsi Smash Live in Los Angeles at the Kodak Theatre for the HOTTEST concert of the summer starring Mariah Carey...her first tour in nearly two years! She plays live in Los Angeles on July 29th! Listen for Mariah to tell you to call and win 1-877-995-HOT1 - Caller 99 wins! You'll score an "Emancipation of Mimi" CD courtesy of Island Def Jam records along with some cool Pepsi swag, and then you'll be entered for the GRAND PRIZE: A trip to LA to see Mariah on 7/29 at the Kodak Theatre! Our Grand Prize drawing will be held live on the Hot Morning Mess with Mark & Kris on Monday, June 19th! All winners must be at least 18 years old. Even if you don't win tickets, you will have a chance to catch the concert on www.PepsiSmash.com as well as get exclusive ring tones from Mariah Carey and other HOT artists like Mary J. Blige! Source: Hot 99.5 - Desiree by e-mail Posted on June the 6th. |
Mariah is expecting a "whole slew" of featured
guests on her upcoming tour
Mariah Carey is expecting a "whole slew" of featured guests on her upcoming tour, to help re-create her classic collabos, but the guest she's most looking forward to seeing is Jermaine Dupri. "I would hope Jermaine is going to make it to a couple of shows," she said. "I love everybody I work with, but Jermaine is my favorite person to collaborate with because he is a great artist as well as producer as well as collaborator. We work together. A lot of times, I will just work on a melody and lyrics by myself and get a beat from somebody or tell them, 'Here's what I'm feeling,' and they'll play it on the piano. But Jermaine and I can sit there, work together, and really collaborate and have fun." Source: MTV (All rights reserved) Posted on June the 6th. |
Mini from The
Marvellous Jack is making a fanbook dedicated to Jack. Go on
her site for all details.
Source: Mini by e-mail Posted on June the 6th. |
Mariah Carey and LA Reid arrive at the Sean
Combs "Unforgivable" CFDA After Party at The Pink Elephant June 5, 2006
in New York.
![]() ![]() Click to enlarge. More pictures can be found at Mariah- Source Source: Mariah- Source Posted on June the 6th. |
Mariah Carey to perform in Tunisia in July
American music diva will be performing in Tunis Tunis, July 22nd, July 24th in El Menzeh Olympic Stadium TUNIS - American music diva Mariah Carey (www.mariahcarey.com) will perform for the first time in Tunisia, next July. Two concerts are scheduled in El Menzeh Olympic Stadium, in the Tunisian capital Tunis, July 22nd and July 24th, 2006. Several other concerts, including two by Michael Jackson and Sting were held in the same stadium in the past. The two Mariah Carey concerts are expected to be sell-out performances; especially that they will take place during Tunisia’s high tourism season. Heir to ancient Carthage, Tunisia attracts, ever year, more than five million tourists who are drawn to the country’s beaches, archaeological sites and exotic desert landscapes (www.toursimtunisia.com). Mariah Carey is enjoying one of the most successful years of her career. Her album "The Emancipation Of Mimi" generated three Grammy awards . As the biggest-selling album of 2005, it has sold over 9 million units worldwide to date. A press conference on the Mariah Carey concerts is scheduled in Tunis, on Thursday June 8, 2006 at 10.00 am. Source: Middle East Online (All rights reserved) Une conférence de presse est prévue
à Tunis le 8 juin à 10h00, restez scotchés pour plus
d'infos |
Mariah didn't sing at Summer Jam, maybe
she had a cold....
Busta paraded out several legends toward the end of his set, including the Wu-Tang Clan for "Triumph" and Rakim for "Eric B. Is President." Not to be outdone, Big Daddy Kane came out for "Warm It Up, Kane." The guests didn't end there: Slick Rick came out for "Children's Story," Q-Tip followed for "Scenario," and the set closed with Busta and Swizz Beatz performing "New York Sh--" with all the legends onstage. But Jermaine Dupri got the award for the most stunting with guest appearances on Sunday. Not only did JD bring out his girlfriend, Janet Jackson, during his set with Dem Franchize Boyz (Janet kissed him on the lips before walking off and waving to the crowd), but he also invited Mariah Carey. For some reason, MC could not sing, but they played "We Belong Together," and the crowd sang along. Mariah mimed the words and waved the crowd as well. Source: MTV (All rights reserved) (extract) Posted on June the 5th. |
Mariah Fan Feed
![]() Post it everywhere guys!!!!! Posted on June the 5th. |
More pics of our sweet Mariah apparently at
a Hot 97's Summer Jam after party
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Click to enlarge Source: Mariah- Source Posted on June the 5th. |
Explosive Mariah
At the Hot 97's Summer Jam, Dem Franchize Boys tore the house down alongside appearances by Janet Jackson, Da Brat, and an explosive appearance by Mariah Carey. Source: SOHH (extract) Posted on June the 5th. |
Mariah and Janet crash Summer Jam
Mariah Carey and Janet Jackson were on the same stage, on the same night during the same set. No, the legends didn't perform together, but were both special surprise guests of Jermaine Dupri as he performed with Dem Franchise Boyz and Da Brat on Sunday at New York radio station Hot 97's annual Summer Jam concert. Source: MTV (All rights reserved) (extract) Posted on June the 5th. |
Track Entertainment Completes Merger With
Angel Music Group
Track Entertainment, an entertainment based marketing company connecting brands with their target consumers, announced today that its merger with Angel Music Group is complete. The new company, called Live2Net, which on a combined basis generated over $50 million in revenue for 2005, expects to operate all existing properties under the umbrella, including the leading dance music brand in the world, Godskitchen, and the dominant nightlife web site Clubplanet.com. With over 150 employees and offices in all major markets, Live2Net will be headquartered in NYC and positioned to provide interactive, event production and ticketing services to its clients on a global basis. Several platforms will be immediately integrated including Angel Music Group's use of Wantickets, Live2Net's proprietary ticketing solution, for ticket sales to all of its live events. In 2006, under Lee Heiman, President of the new combined company, Live2Net will produce over 2,000 live events with artists including Mariah Carey, Nine Inch Nails, Tiesto, Mary J Blige, Armin van Buren, Lauryn Hill, Paul Van Dyk, and Rob Zombie among others. Source: MarketWire (All rights reserved) (extract) Posted on June the 5th. |
Mariah attended the 13th Annual Hot 97's Summer
Jam in New York
Mariah was at the event yesterday evening, among other performers were Jamie Foxx, Janet Jackson, Jermaine Dupri, Dem Franchize Boys, Sean Paul, T.I., Mary J. Blige, Young Jeezy, Remy Martin, Ne-Yo, Mobb Deep, Chris Brown, L.L. Cool J., Busta Rhymes and Da Brat. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Click to enlarge Source: Gettyimages (All rights reserved) Heroes note: Untagged HQ pictures can be found on Cat's forum. Posted on June the 5th. |
"Members of the press arranged a pool,
betting on what time Mariah Carey would show up" ![]() Blown Away at Fresh Air Fund Gala ![]() ![]() The Fresh Air Fund folks took seriously our ribbing at last year's gala about the aromatic situation outside Tavern on the Green in Central Park. This year, they attempted to remove the horse manure fragrance from the air with a leaf-blower. That didn’t work, and in fact, made things worse by adding clouds of dirt and dust to the stench. But mother nature saved the day with torrential thunderstorms that created a delightful river inside the press tent. Correctly realizing that guests like Mariah Carey were not going to slosh their way through for the cameras, organizers moved the media folks to another tent that was dry and odor-free. And that was most appreciated, since Mariah arrived well after 9 P.M., almost two hours after everybody else. In fact, members of the press arranged a pool, betting on what time Mariah Carey would show up. The winner got $28, and said that if it had been more money, she would have donated it to the Fresh Air Fund. Mariah is a big supporter of this cause, and she gamely got out of her car despite the downpour - accompanied by three umbrella holders, of course. Movers and shakers that joined Mariah in helping to send inner city kids to the country included John Turturro, Marisa Tomei, Patricia Heaton, Kevin Bacon, Spike Lee, designer Donna Karan and Vogue’s Anna Wintour. Source: OAN (All rights reserved) Posted on June the 4th. |
Calgari was on the concert list.... but....
Mariah Carey had every intention of making a stop in Calgary on her forthcoming tour which takes her to Edmonton Sept. 21. Unfortunately, sources say, another concert or event had a hold on the date she was looking at. Source: Canoe Posted on June the 4th. |
Video from "Legs of a Goddess" Press Conference ![]() Click here to watch a lil' video from "Legs of a Goddess" Source for the info: SJinc Posted on June the 4th. |
Stay tuned for the next Heroes of Mariah contest
![]() Thanks to the nice Sony BMG Music Entertainment Belgium team, I will be able to make you win copies of the double cd album "Voices". Released to mark the 2006 Fifa World Cup, this album is for collectors as Mariah is featured on it with "Hero". Posted on June the 4th. |
How depressing is this...
As usual, today I went to the city center of Brussels, only 2 stores had a few copies of the "Say Somethin'" single. Then, as usual it was my meeting time with my DJ friends, they don't find any Mariah materials to play in clubs, they don't receive anything..... I can do my best to promote Mariah, to request, to.... whatever, it's too depressing to fight, it's David against Goliath, except this time it's not David who will win ![]() Posted on June the 3rd. |
![]() ![]() ![]() After more than 24 hours open to general sales, the only date at Madison Square Garden is not soldout..... I just checked and you can still buy 8 tickets at the same time ![]() Posted on June the 3rd. |
Mariah battles racism
Superstar Mariah Carey battles against racism wherever she travels, because people forget she is mixed race. The singer was born to an Irish-American mother and an African-American father. She says, "I'm in a room a lot of times with only white people, and they forget and say things that are offensive - and I have to put them in check. And I'm sitting there and I'm thinking I'm either going to have to leave or I'm going to have to talk about it. "After travelling the world, I think racism, or ignorance, is everywhere. It's in the US, Italy, France. Even in certain Latin American countries, where it's a very mixed society." Source: Contactmusic Posted on June the 3rd. |
Fans Belges, n'oubliez pas NRJ ce dimanche!!!!!
Miss Wendy et DJ Sox te jouent les meilleures plaques R&B le dimanche soir Tous les dimanches entre 20H et minuit sur NRJ, c’est du 100% R&B, Rap, Hip Hop et Soul ! ! TOTAL R&B, c’est avant tout la priorité totale au son urbain ! Say Somethin a été joué en #1 dans la playlist de dimanche dernier ![]() Posted on June the 2nd. |
Sacramento area fans, here's your chance ![]() KJOY has your Mariah Carey Tickets Mariah Carey is coming to Arco Arena September 27th and KJOY has a limited number of tickets to give away! Along with numerous awards, Mariah is the most successful selling female artist in music history and is the only female artist to have straight #1 singles and albums. It's a show you won't want to miss. Click here to register and good luck Posted on June the 2nd. |
Next "Heroes of Mariah" contest in the next
few days!!!! Stay tuned, I have a surprise for collectors ![]() Posted on June the 2nd. |
"Say Somethin'" in Belgian stores NOW
If you didn't pick up your copy of the cardboard single yet, do it this weekend!!!!! Posted on June the 2nd. |
New Mariah site with a little Mariah shop
Oscar has a interesting Mariah site and he now added a shop section where you can maybe find an item for your collection. Check it out here. Posted on June the 2nd. |
Carey: Ex Still Hung Up On Me
Mariah Carey may be dating someone, but she doesn't expect to hear wedding bells any time soon. "I don't know if I ever want to get married again," Carey told Page Six and "The Insider." "My last experience (being married to Tommy Mottola) was so oppressive. You know, Tommy called the head of my record label on the day my [last] album came out to find out what it sold. He still can't leave it alone. Why can't he focus on his wife? I don't know if children are in the cards for me. It wouldn't be fair to a child to be born a celebrity. It would be very difficult." As for her "Adventures of Mimi" tour that she'll
start later this month, Carey said, "I hope Karl Lagerfeld can design the
outfits. I met him through Andre (Leon Talley) and we have become good
friends. He is very funny. And so smart. If he doesn't work with me on
the tour, there is another project I want to work with him on."
Mariah will call Detroit radio today
In the "Mojo in the morning"show Mariah Carey joins us on the air! Plus Mariah Carey tickets & trip to see her in L.A. You can listen to Channel 955 online, by clicking here. Source for the info: Andy by e-mail Posted on June the 2nd. |
Today, the big day!!!!!
The tickets for the Madison Square Garden concert go on sale to the general public today, normally the venue should be soldout by the end of the day, well let's hope so. Fingers crossed.... Posted on June the 2nd. |
"Say Somethin'" single in stores today in
Belgium, be sure to grab your copy...
Posted on June the 2nd. |
Mariah: " I'm not Jimi Hendrix"
When Mariah called into Much Music (the Canadian MTV) to promote the tour earlier this week (see June 1st. news), she talked about the 'Tennessee' movie role and how she's learning guitar. She also said its going well, even though she's "no Jimi Hendrix" and that she's super excited about it because she thinks it will help a lot for her next album. Source for the info: Monique Posted on June the 2nd. |
Mariah Carey Attends Fresh Air Fund Event
Mariah Carey attended the Fresh Air Fund "Salute to American Heroes" annual spring gala at Tavern on the Green June 01 2006 in New York City. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() HQ pictures can be found on MariahCarey.cc Source: MariahCarey.cc - Julie by e-mail Posted on June the 2nd. |
Mariah Arriving at TRL
Mariah Carey did a TRL taping on the 29th of May 2006. Here some high quality photos of her arriving at the studio. ![]() ![]() ![]() HQ pictures can be found on MariahCarey.cc Source: MariahCarey.cc - Julie by e-mail Posted on June the 2nd. |
Guys, be patient...
I received so many e-mails since a few days that I couldn't reply to all of you yet. So be patient I'll do my best to answer and help each of you, just give me some time ![]() Posted on June the 1st. |
Fan job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mariah gave us
16 years, give her 16 minutes every day.
Belgian fans, request "Say Somethin'" Allé jongens, nu doen. Allez les gars, demandez le track partout. Also, worldwide fans, vote for "Say Somethin'" in the US, the track needs your help more than ever. Posted on June the 1st. |
Mariah Butterfly Packages Open to Public
Starting tomorrow, June 2nd at 10 am local time, Butterfly Fan Experience - Hot Seat Packages will be available for purchase to the public! Go on Mariah's official site for all the details. Posted on June the 1st. |
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Yesterday I posted the info, today here's
the cover ![]() Thanks to Elise's info, we knew Mariah was on the cover of Marie Claire (UK edition). Yesterday the cover wasn't on Marie Claire's site, today they updated it with the July issue. Also, Mariah is on the cover of 2 other UK magazines:" Blues & Soul" and "Shout". All these magazines are available in Belgian stores. Source for the infos: eliseke81 and tazirishlamb on our forum Posted on June the 1st. |
"I'm not saying that I have legs of a goddess,
Gillette said it."
Mariah Carey is proud of her legs, even if she won't admit whether she's insured them for $1 billion, as rumored, to protect her stake as Gillette's new celebrity spokesperson. The razor company honored the singer on Tuesday at New York's Radio City Music Hall for having "Celebrity Legs of a Goddess," unveiling a 16-foot replica of Carey's stems. "It's a little overwhelming," Carey told MTV News. "I'm not saying that I have legs of a goddess, Gillette said it." She attributes her leg appeal to genetics, dieting, and working out. Though she was a fast runner in school ("I beat everybody but a boy named Ricky in my sixth-grade class"), Carey said that she prefers to work out in the water. "Other than that, exercise is not my favorite. It is what it is." Source: MTV (All rights reserved) Posted on June the 1st. |
The macho man who rules Mariah's life
In the celebrity world there are some so pampered and privileged they can have whatever their heart desires. Mariah Carey's dog Jackson P Muttley is one such lucky celeb. Emerging from a New York hotel with the curvaceous diva, the Jack Russell made it clear he has a mind of his own. As his glamorous mistress attempted to go off in one direction, Jack tugged on his lead, seeminly inclined to go in quite another. But then adoring Mariah is used to indulging her pet pooch's whims. Only the best will do for Jack, who flies first class. Economy isn't an option for her canine companion, the star insists, as he's not a "tiny". "He's a very masculine dog," says Mariah. "I'm not going to put him back with someone I don't know who might feed him or something…” The four-legged friend, who shares her luxurious Big Apple penthouse, is so well-known Japanese fans have apparently set up a website in his honour and even send him presents. According to the singer one of the chief topics on the site is her pedigree pal's swimming antics. "If I'm running a bath, all of a sudden I'll hear a splash and Jack will have jumped into the tub," reveals Mariah. "His favorite toy is a jet - like the ones you find in pools and hot-tubs. He continually dives under the water and tries to bite the water coming out of the jets."
Posted on June the 1st. |
International fans not really welcome at Mariah's
concerts in Tunis ?
A lot of you guys e-mailed me to ask infos or help regarding Mariah's concerts in Tunis in July. I've done my best, I phoned several times in Tunis and here are the not very pleasant infos I can give you at the moment. The tourism office in Tunis transfered my call to three different services, 'cause nobody seemed aware of Mariah coming to Tunis or at least didn't want to be the one talking about it. Finally, I talked to the person in charge of the cutural activities who told me that for the concerts, the tickets are on sale at different places in Tunis and the entire country, but didn't know any place to buy tickets from outside Tunisia. I then talked to a boss from the Department of Cultural Affairs in Tunis. He made me clearly understand that these concerts are part of festivals taking place in the entire country during the summer and are an occasion to party for Tunisians and only Tunisians. He couldn't conceive that foreign people could travel to Tunisia for Mariah and not for their country. So, if you plan to go to these concerts, wait to be sure you will be able to buy tickets before booking plane ticket, hotel, etc... and keep an eye on MariahCarey.com. Fans internationaux pas vraiment bienvenus
aux concerts de Mariah à Tunis ?
Not directly Mariah related, but interesting
He'll manage to Carey on minus E-mail By Lloyd Grove After years of rampant, obsessive E-mailing, showbiz manager Benny Medina is calling it quits. "I will no longer be accepting E-mail," the 48-year-old Medina, who counts Mariah Carey and Tyra Banks among his clients, announced the other day. "If it's important, call me. I don't do E-mail." It was his last E-mail - mere months after Medina publicly defended Carey's compulsive BlackBerrying at dinner parties as "commonplace." When I reached him on his cell phone yesterday, Medina told me: "I'm not making a stand against E-mail, I'm making a stand for the way I like to communicate. Generally, E-mail ends up as a form of communication that can go completely unanswered, with people thinking they've followed up on an outstanding issue when they haven't, and it's bad at communicating a feeling or an emotion." Medina insisted that no specific incident prompted his decision. Nor is he banning E-mails because they can be evidence in a lawsuit or because they're apt to be forwarded to the wrong people, with embarrassing results. "I am just not drawn to this form of communication," he said, adding that he has put all of his BlackBerries in mothballs. "Have we gotten more or less efficient because of E-mail, or has it just corrupted another moment we could have used to do something more important? I prefer phone calls or a handwritten note. I'm easily found if anyone wants to talk to me." Medina, who's also weighing a ban on text messages, told me that reaction has been mixed, with some associates applauding his bold move and others trying to coax him back into the fold. Island Def Jam flack Laura Swanson, who reps Carey, said: "I learned early on that if you want an answer from Benny, you need to pick up the phone. ... I've had some incredible conversations with Benny, and I truly value his insight and wisdom. Plus there's no way his brilliant and witty humor would translate over E-mail." Source: New York Daily News (All rights reserved) Posted on June the 1st. |
Mariah called into MuchMusic to promote tour
Mariah called into MuchMusic, the Canadian MTV, during MuchOnDemand at about a quarter to six tonight to promote her new tour. She chatted with one of the VJ's about the coming to Canada, starring in Tennessee and receiving her Gillette Venus "Celebrity Legs of a Goddess" award. Basically, nothing new, but she did mention that her nephews call her Auntie Riah. MuchMusic then aired the "Say Somethin'" video and mentioned that the tickets for the shows are going on sale this Friday. They also have banners advertising the tour on their website. Mariah is also nominated for the annual 17th Annual MuchMusic Video Awards for People's Choice: Favourite International Artist and Best International Artist. The show will be held on June 18th. Source: iMariah on fomm Heroes note: Remind: Canadian fans Don't forget to vote for Mariah for the MuchMusic Video Awards, where she's is nominated in the "Best International Artist" category. You'll be able to vote starting June the 12th. Posted on June the 1st. |
Mariah Carey Sighting In New York City - May
31, 2006
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Source: WireImage (All rights reserved) Posted on June the 1st. |
Mariah's Summer Adventure: No 'Rolling Crib,'
But Makeovers For The 'Classics'
Mariah Carey's a little annoyed that she's going to travel by bus instead of plane on her upcoming tour — but not for the reasons you might expect. The singer actually prefers ground transit: Air travel is too dehydrating, and sleep is easier on a bus than on a jet. So what's her problem? She's unhappy that she doesn't have time to decorate the vehicle "Chez Mimi." "I wanted my bus to be pink, yet lavender," Carey said. "The rolling crib. But I'm going to design a bus eventually. I think all the girls are going to want it because it'll be like a girl's dream bus — the beauty area will be amazing. I can do one for the guys, too. I'm just good with the designing thing." For now, Carey is happy just to design the content of the tour itself — titled The Adventures of Mimi: The Voice, the Hits, the Tour — since she and the musical director, "American Idol" judge Randy Jackson, are currently planning precisely how the show will go on. While Jackson said on Friday's "Larry King Live" that Madonna's show had inspired him, Carey insists the pair are batting around ideas that aren't as focused on making her stage show "over-the-top theatrical" as they are about "the music, the songs and connecting with the fans." "Here's the thing," Carey explained. "A lot of people just do their new stuff, and I can do that, but I'm the kind of person who hates to disappoint people, and there are just some people who won't be happy unless they hear a specific song: 'If I don't hear "Fantasy," I'm going to be mad.' So I'm trying to take certain songs that are, dare I say, classics, to new places." That means Carey's hits, such as "Dreamlover," for instance, will be given a sort of remix treatment, "with me singing on top of any beat the DJ wants," she said. Carey noted that the mixes will vary regionally, changing as the tour travels across the country (it begins on August 5 in Miami; see "Mariah Carey Plots Mimi's Touring Adventure"). It also means that a mixture of hits and deep album cuts could be featured in a "hot medley"; Mariah has mentioned "One Sweet Day," "My All," and "Close My Eyes" as possibilities. "The concept is to make them newer," she said. "Some songs you don't need to touch, like 'Vision of Love,' we kind of keep that one basic. But we're going way back, and it's not necessarily all #1 hits." Since Carey's focus is on giving the fans what they want, the singer went so far as to name her tour after a fan's suggestion, which was based on a diary-like book the fan had kept of Mimi's, well, adventures. "There was a letter I wrote to Oprah in it, thanking her for the Legends weekend, and there was a paper about me in it that this girl got an 'A' on," Carey recalled. "And all these little indicators said to me, 'This is the right name for the tour.' Things like that affect me. "The title does kind of say it all," she continued.
"It's like, OK, 'the Emancipation' meant one thing, that was kind of one
experience, and now it's going to be a fun adventure for me — to go around
the country on this tour bus, meet the fans, and kind of experience the
world in a different way. I don't want to get too dramatic, [like] 'It's
a journey through my life,' but it is. It's like a party-meets-a-journey-meets-a-show.
And I'll probably get a lot of inspiration as a writer from that."
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Heroes of Mariah 2000
E-mail: staff@heroesofmariah.com